Do you have your dream career?
or Why self-help books don't work?
You read all the self-help books, took all the career development classes, but nothing changes. You are stuck. And your most popular mantra “I love my job” does not work anymore.
Probably it is time to put aside some new books (full of tantalizingly new ideas) and look at some old books. How about a really old book? Getting the wisdom from the system that is 5,000 years old and counting makes sense to me. I am talking about Ayurveda.
The main focus of Ayurveda, a wellness system from India, is to create a balance, a flow, on all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual – because without the balance one cannot achieve highest potentials. So how can it help you?
Ayurveda recognizes energy point in human body that reflect our physical and emotional state. They are divided in two groups: Chakras and Marma points. There are 7 Chakras and about 200 (depending on the school) Marma points. By evaluating and balancing Chakras trained practitioner affects not just emotional and physical state of the patient, but also the success of their career advances.
Sounds too good to be true? Let’s take a closer look at the Chakra system.
Course curriculum
A brief introduction to Chakras
Root Chakra - Confidence
Sacral Chakra - Creativity
Solar Plexus - Power
Heart Chakra - Compassion
Throat Chakra - Expression
Third Eye Chakra - Understanding
Crown Chakra - Integrity
The Why and How
Make a Call

About this course
- Free
- 10 lessons
- 0.5 hours of video content

Reiki Master and Teacher, Certified Aromatherapist, Published Author Marina Lando
I am approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider.
For as long as I can remember, I have been passionate about making people well.
I was first introduced to natural healing by my grandmother Stanislava at about the age of 7. My grandmother would take me to a forest or a meadow and show me what to collect, how to find plants, how they smelled and felt, and how to use them. The family cupboard always smelled of dried flowers, and Linden tea is still my first choice for a fever.
When I had any pain, my grandmother would put her hand over my body and the heat of her hands would soothe away the discomfort. Nobody called it Reiki, Medical Qi Gong or any other exotic name. I just knew: my grandma was magic and I wanted to be like her.
At the age of 9, I discovered the Children’s Encyclopedia of Chemistry, and read it cover to cover, all 500 pages. I was amazed by the possibilities of mixing together chemicals and making drugs to cure diseases. At the same time it was a disappointment. It seemed that in many situations plants that my grandmother gathered every year provided just as much healing opportunity without as much hassle. So I decided not to become a chemist or a pharmacist, but a certified aromatherapist.
Check my published books on Amazon. I am writing my new book about balancing toxic emotions. It will include Reiki protocols I did not include in Dynamic Healing and those I developed after the book was published . It is about releasing emotional blockages with the help of Reiki, aromatherapy and meditation.
I live in Cary, North Carolina. I am a black belt martial artist and an avid knitter.