Would you like to learn about Aromatherapy from the professionally trained aromatherapist?
This class offers 6 CE for massage therapists.
This 6 hours class is packed with goodies.
Add gentle essential oil therapy to your practice. This class presents an exciting opportunity to learn basics of Aromatherapy at the beginner’s level.
Aromatherapy can be used during a massage to enhance client’s experience.
In this class students learn the foundations and safety of Aromatherapy for massage application.
Students will learn:
- What is aromatherapy?
- History
- Safety of essential oils
- Routes of absorption
- What is GC/MS reporting and how to read it
- Chemical family properties
- Basics and rules of blending
- Practical applications
Properties of five essential oils:
- Lavender
- Lemon
- Plai
- Eucalyptus Globulus
- Ravintsara
Learning Outcome:
-Students will demonstrate the basic understanding of aromatherapy
-Students will demonstrate the basic understanding of essential oils safety
-Students will demonstrate the basic understanding of GC/MS report
-Students will demonstrate the basic understanding of properties of chemical families found in essential oils
-Students will demonstrate the knowledge of blending
-Students will demonstrate the understanding of practical applications of essential oils
-Students will demonstrate knowledge of properties and application of Lavender, Clary Sage, Plai, Eucalyptus Globulus and German Chamomile