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  • Meditations

    New Meditations are added monthly

  • Get it for Free

    To get free access to all meditations subscribe to Marina's podcast "How to Train Optimistic Mind" https://anchor.fm/marina-lando Weekly podcast includes: insights, teaching, meditations, interviews and stories. Everything you need to train optimistic mind.

  • Private Community

    Includes Private community. No-one listens, no-one tracks, no-one sells anything.

Course curriculum

    1. Everything is better with application

    1. Calming Breath Meditation

    2. Good Beginning Meditation

    3. Morning Sutra

    4. Attachment meditation

    5. Comparison Meditation (For the episode The Extasy of Righteousness)

    6. Sadia's favorite meditation with person who hurt us most

    1. Introduction to Chakra System - Gift Meditation

    2. On Death, Loss, and Hope with Rev. Kathie McCutcheon

    3. Root Chakra Meditation - Fear

    1. War in Ukraine and the Power of Compassion

About this course

  • $200.00
  • 11 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content