Course curriculum

    1. It is about...

    2. Introduction

    3. The Importance of Self Care for a Reiki Practitioner

    1. The “Short and Sweet” History of Reiki

    1. The Basic Anatomy of the Human Energy Field

    2. Overview of Chakras and Marmas

    3. Chakras

    4. Nadis

    5. Koshas (Bodies)

    6. Marmas

    7. Explanation of Meridians

    1. Tools for Evaluation

    2. Byosan Reikan-Ho - Focused Healing/Body Scanning

    3. Scanning for Byosan

    4. Restoring balance to the areas where Byosan were found

    5. Practice: Scanning for Byosan and Restoring Balance

    6. Muscle Testing

    7. Testing the Brachioradialis muscle

    8. Practice: testing the brachioradialis muscle

    9. Challenging the muscle

    10. Practice: challenging the muscle

    11. Checking for energetic scrambling

    12. Practice: checking for energetic scrambling

    13. Using Muscle Testing to Evaluate Chakras

    14. Practice: chakra evaluation

    1. Making it Personal

    2. Keeping a Log

    3. Planning the Session

    4. Practice: planning the session

    1. Emotions and our Health

    2. Stress Release

    3. Practice: stress release

    4. Emotional Release

    5. Emotional Release - Instructions

    6. Practice: emotional release

About this course

  • $100.00
  • 87 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content